“In ‘The Wizard of New Zealand QSM,’ explore Ian Brackenbury Channell’s journey as the world’s first government Wizard, appointed by Prime Minister Mike Moore. From RAF navigator to cultural icon in Christchurch’s Cathedral Square, uncover his captivating true story of ‘a singular man’. “

The Wizard of New Zealand QSM – Trailer

The Wizard of New Zealand QSM, a true story of “a singular man”, is an

award-winning documentary that follows the life of the first-ever man in the

world to be appointed by a government as an Official Wizard.

The former Prime Minister of New Zealand, Right Honourable Mike Moore

ONZ, in 1990, proclaimed Ian Brackenbury Channell as the Official Wizard of

New Zealand and appointed the Wizard to protect the Government of New

Zealand. Mike Moore and many others, all go on to reveal this amazing,

fantastic, magical and true story.

The Wizard was born in London, England in 1932, trained as a Pilot and was a

Navigator in the Royal Air Force in 1952, taught English in Iran in 1958 and

obtained double honours in Psychology and Sociology from Leeds in 1963,

with participation in the first-ever winning team of the University Challenge,

before becoming the first-ever official Wizard in the World and finally

honoured in 2009 by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, with the Queen’s

Service Medal.

The Wizard highlights that women cause wars through their shopping

habits points out that governments with Monarchies are more stable,

formed his own Imperial Army and “Save the Males” Campaign and designed

a New and Improved Universe and “disappears” on Census night.

It was recorded that with his Magic Spells, the Wizard broke five Rain

Droughts, both in New Zealand and Australia.

www.wizard.gen.nz (official site)

www.wizardofnewzealand.com (official documentary)

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